Tuesday, July 16, 2013

What a Tangled Mess...

Sometimes all you can do is pick up the tangled mess and try to decide what you should do about it.  Is it worth salvaging?  Would it be better to just toss it and start fresh?  Is the effort time well spent?  In the end, did you come out with something useful, or is it merely an untangled mess?

Lately I'm not sure if this is about yarn or life ... my life  

I have spent a great deal of time, recently, trying to make sense of a number of things.  Often it's the massive knot that somehow my mother's yarn has become.  She claims it's gremlins in the middle of the night.  If that's the case, they need a new hobby, or at least someone else to pick on for awhile.  But it's surprising how determined (nay, some might say stubborn) I get to prove that I AM smarter than the yarn, and I WILL NOT be defeated by the yarn.  If it became tangled, it can become untangled!  I SHALL BE victorious!

Score so far?  Yarn 2, Leslie 3  You know, people stare when you hold aloft a neatly wound ball of yarn and do a happy dance.  I guess not everyone takes untangling yarn as seriously as I do.  Most don't understand why I take it so seriously — it's just yarn, right?

And as I work with the tangles and knots, my mom looks at me and says "you want it, take it."

Here's the thing, I don't want it.

I just want to feel that I have some semblance of control — over something — even if it's only a ball of gremlin knotted yarn.

And now we're back to life ... my life  

An adult child moves out, a child-like adult moves closer.  When you finally think your parenting days are over, you find yourself playing that role with your parent.  A parent that doesn't understand the shift because parts of her brain have become as tangled as the yarn, and it's out of my control.

So my tangled mess is no longer made of yarn but the threads of everyday life.  And those original questions don't apply.  That the only option is to make sure it's time well spent as I try to loosen the knots, figure out what goes where, and wonder how it got like this.

I'm pretty sure it's not gremlins.

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