Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Superwoman - Not!

Every time the catalog from Femail Creations arrives, I am always drawn toward one particular plaque that speaks to me.

Now me? I'd probably want to add a magic wand to the mix. Kind of a Fairy Godmother with super powers.

The problem, I'm starting to slowly realize, is that I need more than a cape, tiara and magic wand. On top of that, I'm tired and I'm not sure I want to save the world anymore.

While I think I'm starting to understand I'm not Superwoman, I'm not entirely sure I'm ready to admit it yet. To the world, but more importantly — to me.

I grew up in the '60s and '70s — to the Helen Reddy anthem "I am woman, hear me roar, in numbers to big to ignore..." or the classic "I can bring home the bacon, fry it up in a pan, and never make you forget you're a man — cause I'm a woman." Gloria Steinem, Helen Gurley Brown, bra burning ... the fantasy that women could do anything and everything they wanted. WE COULD HAVE IT ALL!

But I'm starting to ask the question "do I want to have it all?" and "why do I need to have it all?" In the end, what did having it all do for me? Did it improve my quality of life? Did I accomplish more? Did I enjoy myself along the way? Did it let me focus on the things that are important?

For the most part, the answer is no. 

Trying to do it all has
...worn me out
                ...unfocused my attention
                                 ....and caused me angst as I work out the logistics of making it look easy.

If I'm too tired because I've been running around, like a chicken with its head cut off, trying to prove I'm superwoman and make it look like a walk in the park ... well then, I'm not enjoying the things I really want to, am I? And to be honest. Being superwoman isn't one of them.

So, here's my declaration: I don't want it all — I have enough. I don't need a tiara, cape and magic want — I need a cup of tea, a good book and a porch swing.

If you'll excuse me, the sun is shining, there's a gentle breeze, and the tea is brewed ... 

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Time Lord Wanted, TARDIS Mandatory

When I saw this diagram,

I finally knew what I needed — a Time Lord!! 

Let me restate that. I need to BE a Time Lord.

Why you might ask? Well, for any number of reasons.

First, I would go back in time to the beginning of 2014 and write that brilliant blog post I never got around to. Since I wouldn't be changing anyone's timeline, I suppose this would be ok. I truly can't image my blog posts affecting the course of the world or changing history.

But wait! From a knitter's perspective, that's not all...

The TARDIS — imagine what kind of yarn a knitter could hide in a TARDIS. While the space, where I currently house my stash, is finite and eventually the yarn will go pouring out the window, a TARDIS would solve that problem! Bigger on the inside? Yes please. And so deceptive! No one will ever know the extent of that stash. (Well, they wouldn't if I didn't compulsively list it on Ravelry to keep track of it.) I mean, really how much yarn can one police box hold?

I assume knitting is supported by the Gallifreyans since the fourth Doctor had a 16 foot scarf that many a knitter has duplicated. (Although frankly, that's a lot of garter stitch. Too much, if you ask me. When my son asked for a Dr. Who scarf, I taught him to knit and bought him the yarn.)

Then there's the Sonic Screwdriver that seems to be the all-purpose fix-it tool. Just think of the knitting errors (I mean, unintentional design elements) you could fix without the cursing, frustration, and gnashing of teeth. Perhaps it would even translate poorly written patterns into English (or German, or whatever language makes it understandable.)

Companions? I don't know that, as a Time Lord, I'd have just one companion. Knitting, while it can be a solitary endeavor, is best done with friends. Lots of them. If you're going to travel through time, you might as well have companions that make you laugh and understand your knitting obsession. Not to mention, the TARDIS would be able to hold everyone's stash!! And spinning wheels and looms and ... well, it boggles the mind.

And finally there's that two heart thing. While I can't come up with a specific reason why two hearts would be valuable in knitting, I do think the world would be a better place if we all had two hearts.

So to recap: Time Lord, TARDIS, companions, sonic screwdriver... 

All I can say is allons-y